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Rules & Regulations

  • Registration is required for all in-person research requests.
  • Coats, briefcases, parcels, and personal books are not permitted in the research area. Please leave them at the registration desk. 
  • No ink of any kind may be used in the research area; use pencils only. Typewriters, computers, scanners, cameras, or other devices may be brought into the archives and used at the discretion of the archivist. 
  • Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in the archives. 
  • All archival materials must be handled carefully: use only one folder at a time and keep the papers in their existing order. Do not place books or volumes face down. Do not lean or press on archival materials. Do not trace maps or other records. 
  • No material in the archives may be removed from the research area. 
  • Persons requesting access to restricted materials must contact the person or agency imposing the restrictions. The archives cannot permit access to these materials without written authority. 
  • Researchers are advised that it is their responsibility, not the archives, to obtain copyright clearance to publish or otherwise reproduce or distribute archival material. Whenever possible, the archivist will provide the names and addresses of copyright holders.
  • The archivist may restrict access to materials deemed too fragile to be handled. 
  • Researchers are not allowed past the seating area, nor are they allowed to be in the archives room unsupervised. If the archivist has to leave the room, researchers will be asked to wait in the hallway until the archivist returns.